Live Life Rehab - The Best Rehab Facility In India
Premium Nasha Mukti Kendra in Nadiad, Ahmedabad, Gujarat –  नशा मुक्ति केंद्र नडियाद (खेड़ा)

Counseling | Rehabilitation Centre | Detoxification Treatment

Treatment for Alcohol, Drug, and Gambling Addiction at a Premier Rehab Centre

Live Life Rehab Center is a luxurious rehabilitation center and Live Life Rehab in Gujarat, India with. Our rehab is situated on the picturesque Nadiad in Gujarat and Near to Ahmedabad. We have several facilities at our Live Life Rehab such as Pickup Facility for Patient, Access To Live CCTV Camera For Family, Home Like Facilities, Nutrition Rich Food, Prayer & Yoga Sessions, Goal Achievement Sessions, Indoor and Outdoor Games, One to One Counselling, Family Counselling.  

Live Life Rehab - Nasha Mukti Kendra
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Satisfied Patients

Addiction is a fatal illness

But at Live Life Rehab Center we provide a compassionate atmosphere where our patients are given the best possible care they deserve. Where our patients are given the best possible care they deserve. We have treated More than 300 Patients untill now.

हमारे यहां शराब, गांजा, अफ़ीम, कोकीन, ब्राउन शुगर, नशीली गोलियां और अन्य सभी प्रकार के नशों से हमेशा के लिए नशा मुक्त किया जाता है |

हम पिछले 15 सालो  से शराब और नशीली दवाई के शिकार लोगों का इलाज कर रहे हैं, हमारा पुनर्वास केंद्र आपको नशीली दवाओं और शराब के प्राकृतिक उपचार में मदद करता है।
  •  हम अपने कार्यक्रम में शारीरिक, मानसिक, सामाजिक और आध्यात्मिक सभी चार स्तरों पर काम करते हैं।
  • हमारे उपचार का उद्देश्य न केवल रोगी को शारीरिक रूप से स्वस्थ बनाना है बल्कि रोगी को मानसिक रूप से तैयार करना है ताकि वे नशे से हमेशा के लिए दूर रहें।
  • मादक पदार्थों की लत के क्षेत्र में हमारे प्रयास बहुत संतोषजनक रहे हैं, लगभग 85 प्रतिशत मरीज जो हमसे इलाज कराते हैं वे नशे से दूर हैं।
इस बीमारी से पीड़ित व्यक्ति इस कारण से बाहर नहीं निकल पा रहा है, अपनी समस्या के बारे में पीड़ित व्यक्ति को मना कर सकता है क्योंकि उसने अपने मस्तिष्क में शराबी / व्यसनी की तस्वीर बनाई है जिसमें वह शुरू में खुद को फिट करने में सक्षम नहीं है, वह हमेशा अपने नशा की तुलना उन लोगों से करता है जो उससे ज्यादा नशे में होते हैं, जब तक वह उस स्तर तक नहीं पहुंच जाता, वह यह नहीं मानता कि वह नशे में है। एक समस्या है। शुरू में, वह कहता है कि मैं रोज एक फल की तरह नहीं पीता, फिर जब वह हर दिन पीना शुरू करता है, तो वह इसे किसी और को दिखाता है कि मैं सुबह के पेय के रूप में नहीं पीता, और जब वह सुबह खुद पीना शुरू करता है। अगर मैं शराब की दुकान के बाहर नहीं रहता हूं तो मैं खुद की तुलना किसी और के साथ करना शुरू कर देता हूं। कुल मिलाकर, वह अपनी समस्या को खुद से अधिक किसी से तुलना करके जारी रखता है।

Indices of Substance and Alcohol Abuse

nasha mukti kendra

Psychological Signs

Worsening anxiety, Falling out of responsibilities, Mood swings, Increased aggression, Issue with concentration, Hallucinations on heavy drinking,

addiction treatment center

Physical Signs

Weight changes, No self-care, Poor hygiene, Drinking and consuming drugs in larger amounts, Increased injuries, Walking away from work, No Physical Strength

rehab treatment center


Conflicts with friends and family, Spending less time with the people he/she loves, Not following any made-up plans, Decreased performance. ETGHREHT EHERRTH.

elements that can cause someone to develop a drug or alcohol addiction.

Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medicine. Substances such as alcohol, marijuana and nicotine also are considered drugs. When you’re addicted, you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes


Researchers claim that 40-60% of people develop the habit of addiction because it has been passed on through their family genes.

Mental Health Problem

Mental health disorders such as severe depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder can also lead to addiction.


Environmental variables, attitude, and exposure to a peer group that promotes drug and alcohol use can all contribute to your falling into the trap.

Early Use

There are occasions where teens become involved in drug and alcohol usage as a result of peer pressure or childhood trauma, and these teenagers grow into addicts years later


Alcohol Detox Center

Our Programmes for Addiction Recovery

Live Life Rehabilitation Centre in India employs a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. Our specialized methodology features a cutting-edge and integrated model, ensuring superior care for chemical dependencies such as drugs and alcohol and mental health disorders in men and women of all ages from any region. The addiction treatment provided is entirely confidential and discreet to protect the privacy of our clients. Our team includes professional psychiatrists, physicians, clinical psychologists, counselors, and nurses who are dedicated to providing 24/7 assistance.


Patients are first detoxified before undergoing a combination of therapy sessions, psychoanalytic examinations completed by our specialist doctor each week, as well as medication. Mind mapping, mind control, and anger management sessions are regularly conducted to aid individuals with personality disorders. Furthermore, various activities such as yoga, meditation and art therapy are arranged to allow patients to relax in addition to helping enhance communication skills. We strive to offer the best support possible for every person at our rehab center in Gujarat.

How Highly Addictive Are Drugs and Alcohol?

Drugs and alcohol can be very addictive substances when a person starts to consume them in large amounts within a short span. Alcohol and drugs together affect the brain chemistry of people. When an individual consumes alcohol/drug, the brain releases neurotransmitters that cause the body to speed up, this combination causes intoxicating effects. After the effects of alcohol/drugs exit the body, the feeling of pleasure also leaves. This is what makes the individual consume more to get the same effect every time, this is known as tolerance to alcohol/drug abuse. With continuous consumption, the brain and body adapt themselves to the use of alcohol/drug. This is why it becomes harder for the addict to quit. The individual will encounter withdrawal symptoms including headaches, anxiety, vomiting, and regular sweating. Alcohol and drug dependence causes financial problems and ruins families and relationships but the addict thinks about consuming more and his life starts to depend upon the particular substance that which he is addicted.

Client Testimonials

What They’re Talking?

Paramar NehalParamar Nehal
11:55 22 Nov 23
Prefect program.Within time periodExpert counselorThanks for Mangment
Bharat PatelBharat Patel
07:20 20 Nov 23
Really they are working for noble cause.We are really thankful that such treatment are available in gujrat.
Aman SekhaniAman Sekhani
07:13 20 Nov 23
It's not a Rehab center, I was afraid of being admitted in rehab.But after treatment my version towards life has change.I will call it a treatment centreWill suggest who needs help.Life changing process
harun chauhanharun chauhan
07:02 19 Nov 23
Shukla ShashankShukla Shashank
06:53 19 Nov 23
The center is professionally operated and the staff is empathetic, empowering, and excellent in their delivery of hope and healing. Their message is clear, there is a solution and you can recover.Thanks a lot Mr.Harish sir and &team..
Nishant DesaiNishant Desai
02:35 18 Nov 23
Perfect treatmentQuality foodHelpfull staffNeat and clean environment.Superb counselingExperienced Management
Altaf LalaniAltaf Lalani
02:08 18 Nov 23
Perfect process for Alcoholic and Drug addict.There was no compromise in quality of food, hygiene and medical and well as emotional treatmentThanks to Mangment& Harish Sir
Sharma TechnocastSharma Technocast
09:47 06 Nov 23
Really Life changing process for the victim

Approved and are Successful Treatment for addicts

Treatment Methodology

Live life rehab is a well-known alcohol and drug rehabilitation center in Gujarat and we aim to give the best addiction treatment to all our patients, our addiction treatment methodology works in order. A perfect combination of medicines and therapy is considered to be the best for the patients. The treatments that we consider are as follows:

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